Last month took place the Leadexport Awards 2017, a contest organized by CCI Hauts de France (International Chamber of Trades) & World Trade Center Lille-Arras.
What is Leadexport?
This contest rewards the best French Export companies in the North of France.
It’s goal is to show that no matter your size or your ressources, you still got a shot at going international.
LeadExport awards is divided in 5 categories :
Export leader, Export B to B conqueror, Export B to C conqueror, Export nugget, Public favorite (the public voted live during the night).
The jury :
The jury take each detail under the loop, like the selling structure, sale advertising, website etc.
This year it was composed by major companies professionals and experts such as Air France, DHL, Busniess France, Societe Generale, Mazaras….
Winepalette competed alongside with Cooptalis, Mupro, Corilleau, Ecodas, Chocmod, Concept 1990 and more. Needless to say that we were pretty well surrounded !
We presented our project to export a mix and match of wine on one single container. The perfect way to create a unique custom selection for restaurants and wine shops.