Gris de Gris Vin de Sable de Camargue
This wine has a soft and fresh palate with very nice balance. Its nos is fine, with hints of pink grapefruit and white peach.
Ex Cellar
WINE | Gris de Gris Vin de Sable de Camargue |
VINTAGE | 2016 |
APPELLATION | Sable de Camargue |
VOLUME | 750 mL |
We also have more than 500 other wines in our range.
Gris de Gris Vin de Sable de Camargue
About the vineyard
The wine terroir of Sable de Camargue produces high quality wines. The soil consists of raw mineral sands of marine and wind inputs and is also devoid of clay and silt. These viticultural lands are surrounded by unique landscapes with exceptional flora and fauna.
About the wine Gris de Gris Vin de Sable de Camargue
Soft and fresh palate, very nice balance. Fine nose with hints of pink grapefruit and white peach.
The key solution to import it in large quantity
Wine Palette is the best French wine procurement solution for worldwide wine importers. We have a selection of 600 different French wines so do not hesitate to mix and match the wines of your choice in one single conditionning.